This will be the 31st of the museum’s collection of retired military planes dating to the 1940s.
The AMC Museum will be the only museum to have a C-5 on display. The exact landing time of the C-5A, numbered 69-0014, will be announced on the museum’s Facebook page before Wednesday.
The plane will be taking off for its final flight from Memphis, but it was originally factory-delivered to Dover AFB in 1971. Since then, it has been stationed at Travis AFB in California, Altus AFB in Oklahoma and Lackland AFB in Texas.
In 1973, 69-0014 was the first and only to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). It dropped the 120,000-pound missile at 20,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean.
The missile stabilized after about an 8,000-foot drop when it was lit and sent back toward the sky before falling into the ocean.
Air Mobility Command museum receives C-5A for permanent display