The plane was one of the few surviving aircrafts involved in the Canadian program from 1961 to 1984.
Member of Parliament, Laurie Hawn, said he had flown better planes but had a soft spot for the Starfighter.
“This is one you cannot help but love. Anybody who flew it, loved it. Anybody who worked on it, loved it.
“It was a difficult airplane to fly. It was unforgiving and you had to respect it. But it was just so much fun. It was blindingly fast.”
According to the Museum website, the Starfighter was a Mach 2.3 aircraft, travelling 800 meters per second, which means it would take one second for it to travel from the Alberta Legislature to the Kinsman Field House, two seconds between the Legislature to City Hall and 33 seconds from downtown to the Edmonton International Airport.
Read more and see video at: http://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/aviation-museum-rolls-out-cold-war-starfighter-1.1415620#ixzz2cQrcPuHC
Aviation Museum rolls out Cold War Starfighter