The $3-million model of the ill-fated Avro CF-105 Arrow was built by volunteers, many of them former members of the military.
The model will be unveiled at the official kick-off to Doors Open Mississauga on Sept. 28 and Mayor Hazel McCallion is expected to attend.The Arrow will then be on display at the Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show from Sept. 30 to Oct. 3.
Downsview Park evicted the museum and neighbouring tenants in September 2011 to make way for a four-rink ice complex. Everything but the facade of the old airplane factory is slated for demolition.
The orignal Avro was introduced in 1957 and was considered a major feat in aviation technology, but was scrapped by the Conservative government of John Diefenbaker in 1959.
Avro Arrow moved from Downsview to Mississauga