Since then he’s been working continuously at re-creating the airplane, and with a little luck and some additional resources, it could hit the runway before the end of the year.
“Ninety percent done with 90 percent to go,” Wilson said earlier this month – a statement many to which homebuilders can relate. “It’s very close to done. We might be able to roll the plane out of the hangar in mid-June.” He hesitates to pin a date to anything, but it’s reasonably possible Wilson’s airplane could do taxi-testing and even a first flight before the end of the year, but no earlier than the fall.
Wilson’s first flight would be a true maiden voyage for the futuristic airplane. Designed in the 1930s by famous automaker Ettoré Bugatti and engineer Louis de Monge, the original Model 100P never got off the ground. As the German army advanced on Paris in June 1940, it had to be disassembled and whisked away so the advanced technology didn’t fall into enemy hands. Wilson calls it “the most historically significant airplane that never flew.”
EAA AirVenture 2011 attendees got an up-close look at Wilson’s project when it was displayed at the EAA Welcome Center that year. Since then he’s been toiling away, making steady progress. It’s been painted in that distinctive and familiar blue, and he’ll be covering the flight control surfaces in the coming weeks.
One of the plane’s crucial – and most complex – components is the gear box, which has finally been finished after two and a half years of design, revision, and production. It is set to arrive in Tulsa the first of May from S&J Engineering in Hinckley, United Kingdom, which agreed to take on the project after another firm pulled out.
Wilson hopes to have the 200-pound gear box installed and the propellers on soon, at which time the airplane will be pulled out of the hangar for the first time. The props were designed by Swedish propeller theoretician Jan Carlsson and fabricated by Rupert Wasey at UK-based Hercules Propellers.
Final Push Is On for Bugatti 100P Racer Project