Yanks Air MuseumGREENFIELD CA — Yanks Air Museum is nearing the first stage of completion.
There are six stages of construction based on a 10-year plan. The Yanks Air Museum construction site is located on the Thorne Road interchange off of Highway 101, at the former Bill Hanson Ranch. The facility has already had water, sewage, and gas lines installed. Yanks Way (the main street for the facility) has also been completed and has powered streetlights.

Currently, a recreation facility, caretakers’ unit, and pool cabana have all been erected and are still in the process of construction. It is hoped that the recreational vehicle park and some of its facilities will be open by spring of 2013.


Click here to read more: http://www.greenfieldnews.com/v2_news_articles.php?heading=0&story_id=572&page=72


Yanks Air Museum website: https://yanksair.com/

First stage of Yanks museum nears completion