We’ve all seen those ghost hunting shows…Do you ever wonder how it really works? A Nebraska-based group of ghost hunters and the Strategic Air and Space Museum allowed us to observe what happens during an investigation.

From lights appearing to turn on and off by themselves, to sudden drops in temperature, Matt Anderson says he’s had his share of unusual experiences at the museum where he’s worked for about six years.

Anderson said these experiences motivated him to contact the Tri-City Research and Investigation of the Paranormal group, otherwise known as TRIP to seek members’ opinions about the matter.

Angela Roeber, director of marketing and public relations for the museum, said although she’s a skeptic, she wanted to see what an investigation would yield. Roeber promoted a visit by TRIP, offering museum go-ers an afternoon presentation in the museum’s theater by the self-described ghost hunters.


Read more: http://www.1011now.com/home/headlines/Ghost-Hunters-Investigate-Strategic-Air-And-Space-Museum-194735221.html

Ghost Hunters Investigate Strategic Air And Space Museum