In the early years of aviation, airplane technology advanced in leaps and bounds, yet airport development lagged behind. Into this void came the seaplane, an aircraft able to fly without need of runways to any destination near an ocean or lake.
By the 1930’s, seaplanes held absolute speed records and inaugurated air travel between the continents. Just a decade later, however, a boom in airport construction during World War II had rendered most obsolete. Today, seaplanes fly primarily for recreation-a unique intersection of the romance of boating and excitement of general aviation.
The Seaplane Adventure will feature a fly-in of “amphibious” aircraft from around the United States. These planes can operate from land as well as water, and will arrive in the morning for display at the Museum. Inside the Museum, they will celebrate the grand opening of its new centerpiece exhibit, a Grumman HU-16 Albatross—last and largest of the famed Grumman amphibians. The Museum’s aircraft, N44RD, participated in an around-the-world flight following the path originally flown by Amelia Earhart in 1937. The Museum’s Albatross was graciously donated by local businessman and philanthropist Mr. Reid Dennis.
Special presentations will be made by Mr. Dennis, discussing his flight around the world and John Hill, Assistant Director of the SFO Aviation Museum, will present on the Clipper Ships and the Dawn of Ocean Air Transportation. There will also be an FAA Seaplane Safety Seminar presented by Max Trescot.
Hiller Aviation Museum Presents Seaplane Adventure Event