The hangar being constructed behind the existing buildings will house the Ford Tri-Motor restoration project and visiting historical aircraft, and will be the winter exhibit area for the Museum’s fully restored PT boat. This will allow more space in the existing part of the Museum for new exhibits and various events. Two historical organizations have recently contacted the Museum about being the permanent home for their collections.
Some of the volunteer positions available are:
- Display and exhibit craftsmen–to help build display cases, maintain the displays and exhibits that tell the stories of the Museum’s unique items.
- An oral history project coordinator–to interview local veterans and veterans who come to the museum and record their stories for future generations. The recordings will be transcribed and catalogued into the Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress in Washington.
- Special events volunteers–to assist with event planning, promotion and preparation for the major fundraising events held at the Museum each year.
- Development and fundraising volunteers–to assist with fundraising and bringing unique exhibitions, programs and community events to the Museum.
- Docents (guides)–to interact with guests and lead tour groups, sharing information about the museum’s living history.
- An education coordinator–to develop outreach, field trips, and in-house programs for school children and teachers.
- A museum outreach educator, to take the Museum’s experience into the Northern Ohio community’s classrooms, libraries and other public venues, using power point presentations and structured lesson plans.
To find out more about volunteer opportunities at The Liberty Aviation Museum, call 419.732.0234 or or email jeffsondles@libertyaviationmuseum.org or visit the website at www.libertyaviationmuseum.org. The Museum is located at 3515 East State Road, Port Clinton. To find out more about the Tri-Motor restoration project, call 419.732.0234 or visit www.trimotorheritagefoundation.org
Liberty Aviation Museum recruiting volunteers