PRESS RELEASE Reading PA — The WW II Weekend, sponsored annually by the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum and produced entirely by volunteers, takes place annually at Reading Regional Airport, Reading, Pennsylvania, during the first full Friday, Saturday and Sunday of June.

The event draws over 30,000 spectators from all over the world, most of them requiring transportation, food and accommodations for the entire weekend and many seeking alternative tourist activities such as sightseeing, amusements and historical research.

The event features over 100 restored and operational aircraft and 1400 active participants, replaying the events of WWII, along with many of the fathers and grand fathers who were there. We have them to thank for the liberties we, and much of the free world, enjoy today. You can talk to them, hear their stories and shake their hands at the 28th Annual WW II Weekend celebration at the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum, June 1-2-3, 2018. This annual event has been rated among the top ten best air shows in the country for the last several years.

The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum was formed in 1980 for the purpose of acquiring the right to recover an historically valuable P-61B, one of the few known to exist, from its mountaintop crash site in New Guinea. The museum’s ultimate goal was to return the plane to its facility in Reading, Pennsylvania and restore it to flying condition. After thousands of hours of painstaking work, the P-61 ‘Blackwidow’ is nearly ready to fly again. The museum itself now covers several acres of restored aircraft including a full size hanger and a new one under construction.

The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum is a non-profit 501c(3) educational facility open year round to visitors during regular prescribed hours. The WWII Weekend is open to all visitors, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, all three days. An entrance fee is charged and all profits go directly to support the museum.