Reading, PA — The Mid Atlantic Air Museum (MAAM) held its 25th Annual WWII Weekend this past weekend. The show was its usual mix of WWII aircraft, vehicles, guest speakers and WWII reenactors.
The show featured a mix of CAF aircraft (most of which were offering ride), some of the American Airpower Museum‘s fine collection of warbirds, Tom Duffy’s B-25 “Take Off Time”, the Yankee Air Museum‘s B-17G “Yankee Lady, and C-47 and others.

Of course MAAM had their P-61″Black Widow” restoration project on display which appears to be tantalizing close to completion. The airshow is the main fundraising event for the museum’s operation costs as well as a way for them to generate additional income for the Black Window’s restoration in the form of donations and souvenir sales.

The weather for this year’s even t couldn’t have been better from a spectators point of view as the temperature was pleasant with a cool breeze. Clouds prevailed in the morning sky but started opening up around 1:00pm.

Saturday’s flying events seemed to have been affected by the strong crosswinds as the airshow performers and the CAF ride aircraft switched to taking off from runway 36 when the winds picked up.

Opening the show was the Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation‘s C-54 “Spirit of Freedom” taxiing to air show center where Gen. Douglas MacArthur get’s a brief update on the war from theatre commanders Gen. “Vinegar Joe” Stilwell and Admiral William Halsey as well as a brief chat with Lieutenant John F. Kennedy.

Next out was President Franklin D. Roosevelt with his announcement that he is running for a third term as president of the United States.
As always this must see show allows visitors the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in many aspects of WWII history.
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