On July 11, 2015, the luscious green countryside of Geneseo New York was the setting for The National Warplane Museum’s annual airshow.
As night became day, the early birds began to arrive. The sun peeked over the horizon and illuminated the grass airfield. The morning dew rolled off the wings of the sleeping warbirds as if it had rained the night before. As a few dozen photographers showed up early to take advantage of the optimal morning, flight crews got to work uncovering the aircraft canopies over a cup of morning Joe. The pilots and crews were gracious enough to exchange a few words with those fans still trying to shake off the morning chill.

As the crowed got larger, the calm sounds of birds gave way to the orchestra of piston engines belting out their roars. At Geneseo, it is customary for a group of aircraft to take off on a photo shoot. The P-51s, Mark Murphy’s “Never Miss”, Scott Yoak’s “Quick Silver” and Andrew McKenna’s polished bare metal beauty were joined by the TBM-3U Avenger “She’s the Boss”, Air Corps Aerobatics T-6 “J’s Bird” and Rob Holland flying his MXS-RH. One by one, they lined up for photographers at the end of the taxiway. Once they completed their final checks, off they went.

A show would not be complete without the biplanes and the contingent of Liaison aircraft. Stearman, Birddogs and Chipmunks put on the flying version of a matinee. Light hearted entertainment by aircraft flying low and slow.
The medium bombers were represented by a trio of B-25s (“Panchito”, “Miss Hap” and “Take Off Time”). Pyrotechnics provided the explosive effects as the big boys made their simulated bombing passes. The T-6’s, SNJ’s and the lone Vultee BT-13A got their chance to take center stage and show the fighters why they are still a fan favorite.
The local hero, the C-47 “Whisky 7” officially opened the festivities by delivering the All Veteran Parachute team with the Stars and Bars. “Whisky 7” would return later in the show to make a few passes of the field.

From airshow right came Warrior Aviation’s L-39 Albatross “Vandy 1”. It thrilled the crowd, and whet the appetite for what was to come. Not to be out shined, Rob Holland whipped his agile machine around in a dizzying, stellar and flawless routine. The many sorties flown and the odd pairing of aircraft, offered fans the perfect mix and variety.

Noticeably absent was Vintage Wings of Canada’s P-40-N. Airshow fans have grown accustomed to the presence of this aircraft type. Any disappointment was short lived because the F4F Wildcat became the act to watch. Many in attendance waited all day to see the sweeping passes and incredible maneuvers performed by Greg Shelton. The Wildcat kept the crowd distracted as Art Nalls and his FRS1 Sea Harrier fired up and took to the skies. Together, they formed a truly unique Heritage Flight. This pairing, rarely if ever seen, was the icing on a 5 tiered cake.
The 2015 edition of the Geneseo Airshow, proved once again why it is The Greatest Show on Turf.
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