Terterboro NJ — The Air Museum Network was present and accounted for at the New Jersey Aviation Hall of Fame’s 2015 edition of Wings and Wheels. This annual event is held at the Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, just a stone’s throw away from New York City.
Fans got to see the familiar sight and sound of the Yankee Air Museum’s “B-17G Yankee Lady” as well as the American Airpower Museum’s Republic P-47 “Jacky’s Revenge” and Grumman TBF Avenger. The Commemorative Air Force was well represented by the Curtis SB2C Hell Diver. This year’s guest star was The United States Coast Guard Helicopter HH-65 Dolphin based at USCG Air Station Atlantic City. A T-34 Mentor and Calidus AutoGyro rounded out the list of aircraft. This event benefits from the fact that Teterboro is an active airport. Beautiful corporate jets parade before the fans and offer photographers the wonderful contrast of vintage and modern. The constant take offs and landings of these jets serve as a filler between Yankee Lady’s flights.

One thing is quite evident. The list of featured aircraft is a short list and there are no flight demonstration teams. That begs one to ask the question, so why even go? The answer is quite simple.
The New Jersey Aviation Hall of Fame (NJAHoF) is an institution that operates without major funding. Like many other small museums, they survive on events of this nature. The income generated from the turnout of approximately 4000 people, allows the NJAHoF to continue its mission of educating young kids on aviation and New Jersey’s rich aviation heritage. The fact that the NJAHoF (under the leadership of Executive Director Shea Oakley) are able to assemble the “small list” of aircraft is an impressive feat.

With just 40 or so Trustees and Volunteers, they make it seem easy. They always manage to bring together a small, yet broad, sample of aviation. The aircraft cover the gamut, from warbirds to modern military aircraft to general and corporate aviation aircraft. Even unique homebuilt experimental aircraft make an appearance.
The NJAHoF is not competing with other airshows. They just want to offer local residents (many from surrounding urban centers) the opportunity to see flying machines without having to drive hours. In doing so, they found their niche. This is a family event. Wings and Wheels is held annually on Father’s day weekend. This is an event where children bring their Fathers and watch their Fathers become children. It is the perfect alternative to the hideous tie.

This event allows the NJAHoF to pay tribute to Veterans by not charging admission to those who proudly wear a veterans cap of any kind. The positioning of the airport and venue, offers excellent lighting for photographers. What other airshow has the Freedom Tower as a backdrop?
This airshow has become a staple of the community. With the support of the local businesses, Port Authority of NY/NJ and the Civil Air Patrol….families, Veterans and aviation enthusiast have the opportunity to get up close and personal with these “few” flying machines. If big and shiny is what you want, then brave the crowds pushing and shoving and go see an airshow at a military airbase. Then don’t come crying because you were 10 rows back and the man in front of you had an big head. Every seat at Wings and Wheels is a good seat. No lines here.
If these are not reasons enough to go to Wings and Wheels 2016, then we will leave you with one last reason… This airshow has heart…..a very BIG HEART! Quite simply…..it’s the Little airshow that could.
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