Oshkosh, WI – EAA AirVenture 2013 – The EAA Air Venture’s “Radial Roundup and brought out some of the finest examples of radial engine powered aircraft from the Golden Air of aviation. Vintage aircraft owners were invited to the gathering of radial-powered antique aircraft located in the Vintage area on the EAA AirVenture grounds. The area is teaming with rare and unique examples of Stinsons, Stearmans, Travelairs, Beech Staggerwings and more.
Twice daily, vintage aircraft expert Ray Johnson will be interviewing hand-picked vintage aircraft owners and pilots in the VAA “Star Circle”. A select few antique airplanes and their pilots will be also be giving interviews at the air show center stage on Phillips 66 Plaza throughout the week. In addition, every evening vintage aviation enthusiasts can swap stories around a campfire in the vintage area.

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“Radial Roundup” at EAA’s AirVenture a big hit