2465 Aviation Lane Unit #2 London, ON, Canada N5V 3Z9
2465 Aviation Lane London Ontario N5V 3Z9 CA

The JET AIRCRAFT MUSEUM (JAM) exists to create and maintain a dynamic and living history of the modern age Royal Canadian Air Force and to provide permanent honour for those valiant Canadian men and women who flew these aircraft with distinction in periods of war, peace, and peace keeping.

JAM is a not for profit foundation that has as its primary purposes the acquisition, display, preservation, maintenance and, most importantly, providing in flight demonstrations for the people of Canada now and for generations to come. The JAM mission is to combine the creation and operation of museum housing: aircraft, historical artifacts, records, and salient memorabilia, while simultaneously keeping representative historic aircraft in the air whenever and wherever major aviation events are held across Canada and at appropriate international centres.

The Museum offers full voting membership to everyone interested in preserving Canada’s noble jet age heritage. Governance is provided by a Board of Directors and officers.

The Museum has been granted charitable status by the Canada Revenue Agency. With this status and our organization’s plans growing daily we continue to seek support through memberships, donations and sponsorships.

Hours of Operation

Friday 1000 to 1600
Saturdays 0900 to 1600

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