Paso Robles, CA — The second portion of a three phase major expansion for Estrella Warbirds Museum is currently taking advantage of the great spring weather. Steel columns and purlons began to be set in place the second week of March.
The 5000 square foot Pfauter “Red Ball Express” building will house an exceptional collection of WWII vehicles, many which were part of the famous “Red Ball Express”. The collection is generously being provided by Harold Phauter. The museum thankful for his interest in Estrella Warbirds Museum and the fact that he shares the same goal they do in wishing to preserve yesterday’s history for tomorrows generation.

The museum is hoping to have construction completed early summer. All construction projects are fully funded prior to commencement of any project. The museum prides itself in raising their own funds without the assistance of government grants. The museum is a local community based 501(c)(3) non-profit and have grown tremendously since the original idea of a museum by two wonderful men with two airplanes and a big vision. Little did they know were we will be today.
Follow the construction progress pictures. click here.