Washington, D.C. — With the 46th anniversary of the first manned mission to the moon last Monday, the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum successfully reached its Kickstarter goal of $500,000 to have Neil Armstrong’s 1969 spacesuit preserved, digitalized and displayed.
Back in July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin changed the course of space study when they were the first ones to successfully landed and walked on the surface of Earth’s moon. And the Smithsonian Institution wants to commemorate the historic event with the idea of restoring the astronaut’s spacesuit.

The Apollo 11 mission is so important because no manned-mission to the moon came after it. NASA and other space agencies were more focused on exploring other parts and objects of the universe such as far-off exoplanets, Mars mission, New Horizons mission, etc.
It only took the Institution five days to raise its Kickstarter goal of $500,000 since their first ever crowdfunding campaign was revealed to the public. The campaign was called “Reboot the Suit” where they plan to conserve, digitize and display Armstrong’s suit, which was his actual gear during the Apollo 11 mission.
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