Windsor Locks, CT USA — The New England Air Museum will welcome former Space Shuttle Astronaut Jerry Ross on Sunday, April 7, 2013 at the museum in Windsor Locks for their annual Space Expo.
Ross was one of NASA’s most experienced astronauts, serving on seven shuttle missions from 1985 – 2002.  He conducted a number of space walks during the construction of the International Space Station. Ross will give presentations on his experiences at 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
In addition to Ross’ presentation, the museum will have over 15 New England exhibitors including UTC Aerospace Systems, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Aldrich Astronomical Society, McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center, the CATO Rocketry Club, Arunah Hill Natural Science Center and Women @ NASA. Many of the activities will be hands-on for kids, including a space suit demonstration, touching a 70 pound meteorite, and meeting Apollo 13 mission engineers who helped save the crew.  Free copies of the book I AM A SPACE SHUTTLE, I LOVE TO FLY! will be given to the first 500 children to visit the Museum on the day of the event.


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New England Air Museum to Hold 2013 Space Expo on April 7