VANCOUVER, WA USA — Pearson Air Museum will reopen at 10 a.m. today under new management, as a National Park Service facility.

Pearson has been closed for three weeks following a dispute between the NPS and the Fort Vancouver National Trust, which had operated the air museum on behalf of the city of Vancouver.

Theresa Langford, a park service museum curator at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, said Pearson will follow the same schedule as before — from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday. Admission to Pearson Air Museum, 1115 E. Fifth St., will be free.

The first couple of exhibits are of an interim nature, to get the museum reopened quickly, Langford said.

One is based on the history of transportation in the area.

“We’ve had community members offering antique vehicles,” Langford said. “One of the best is a 1918 Stanley Steamer” automobile.

There also is a type of vintage vehicle not usually associated with its manufacturer: an old Ferrari tractor. Some replicas also will be on display.

“It’s supposed to be an air museum, but they have no assets to support that,” Elson Strahan said. He is president and CEO of the Fort Vancouver National Trust. “This is really, in our view, a huge loss to the community. We view this action by the National Park Service as an appropriation of community resources.”

The second exhibit will focus on the World War I-era spruce mill in Vancouver — the world’s largest at that time. It will feature two encampment setups, Langford said. One will provide a glimpse of life for spruce mill workers based in Vancouver; the other will replicate logging camp life for soldiers stationed in Northwest forests.


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UPDATE: Pearson Air Museum to reopen Wednesday